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BayWISS-Kolleg Energy www.baywiss.de

Mitgliedshochschule Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

© Julia Bergmeister / Hochschule München'


The University of Applied Sciences Munich is one of the largest universities in Germany with approx. 500 professors, 740 lecturers and some 18,000 students. It provides over 85 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in the fields of technology, economy, social sciences, and design. Excellently connected to the business location of Munich, it maintains contacts with professional practice and is dedicated to application-oriented teaching and research. The University of Applied Sciences Munich was distinguished as a start-up university at EXIST III, IV and EXIST Potentiale. In addition to specialist expertise, it also teaches its students how to think and act in an entrepreneurial and sustainable manner. Trained in interdisciplinary work and intercultural thinking, its graduates are prepared for a world of work that is digital and internationally networked. In rankings, they are among the most sought-after by employers throughout Germany.


Prof. Dr. Martin Leitner

Prof. Dr. Martin Leitner

Vice President

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Kreulich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Kreulich

The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:

Mobility and Transport


Economics and Business



Social Change

Life Sciences and Green Technologies

Resource Efficiency and Materials

Infrastructure, Building and Urban Development


Currently 1 professor of Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences is active members in our Joint Academic Partnership Energy.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph M. Hackl

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph M. Hackl

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Doctoral Candidates

Currently 4 doctoral candidates of our Joint Academic Partnership Energy are being supervised at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences as part of our cooperative model "Verbundpromotion".

Oliver Kalmbach

Oliver Kalmbach

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Niklas Monzen

Niklas Monzen

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Zhao Song

Zhao Song

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Andre Thommessen

Andre Thommessen

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences


Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung

Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolvent*innen an der Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Telephone: +49 89 1265-4382


Dachauer Str. 100a
80636 München
Raum T 4.027

Press and Communications

Academic Life Long Learning

Weiterbildungszentrum (WBZ)

Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Das Weiterbildungszentrum der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München unterstützt die Fakultäten bei der Entwicklung, Implementierung und Durchführung von berufsbegleitenden und postgradualen Studienangeboten, oftmals in Kooperation mit externen Partnern wie Unternehmen und Verbände.

Neben individuell angepassten Firmenprogrammen bietet die Hochschule München berufsbegleitende und weiterbildende Studiengänge, Hochschulzertifikate und Zusatzqualifikationen an.

Das Team begleitet Sie von der ersten Beratung bis zum erfolgreichen Hochschulabschluss.

Contact Person
Daniela Schuff

Telephone: +49 89 12654395


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Energy!

Dr. Lena Eich

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Energie
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lehrstuhl für Energieverfahrenstechnik
Fürther Str. 244f
90429 Nürnberg

Telephone: 0911 5302 99230